At first this book kind of confused me. I didn't really understand how there could be a ghost of a baby in any form of literature, it just doesn't make sense. Why would a baby linger around after death? Perhaps I haven't read far enough to get the answer, but any answer still doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Its a baby, don't they like get a free pass into heaven or something? Like, why does this baby care so much about making everyone miserable? Why is the ghost baby so mean to the dog? Who names their dog Here Boy? When I started this class, I wasn't expecting to read a book quite like this one. I wasn't ready to suspend my disbelief and accept there were ghosts (although I kind of believe in them... its complicated). This book just uses the paranormal like I use my cellphone, often enough for it to be worrying. In Invisible Man, I didn't know it was even a fiction at the start, then again I don't know a lot of things, I just know enough to sur...